Nail fungus is medically called onychomycosis. Virtually everyone comes into contact with fungal spores. It is easiest to get infected in public places: swimming pools, saunas, baths. But infection also occurs at home when using other people's towels, slippers, manicure accessories.

The skin and toenails are very susceptible to infection. Most often, the disease develops in people with reduced immunity. Immunity is weakened if a person suffers from chronic diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract, and is forced to treat them, is subject to stress, and works in hazardous industries.
Causes of fungus
At risk are people who take aggressive medications for a long time, such as antibiotics.

Age-related changes in the acid-base balance of the skin, reduced blood circulation in the extremities, injuries to the toes, and diabetes also create more than favorable conditions for the development of the fungus in the body.
Stages of development of the disease
The fungus begins to develop on the skin between the toes, where small cracks appear.
Further, the infection spreads to the skin of the foot, itching, burning, pulsation, hyperemia appear. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, then the fungus develops and eventually affects the nail plate.
External signs of a fungus on the legs at the initial stage
At the initial stage of the disease, the nail does not lose its luster, retains its pink color, but yellow stripes and spots appear along the edges of the nail.
What does the fungus on the legs look like in a state of disrepair?
With advanced onychomycosis at home, it is too late to treat the fungus with anything. Toenails change structure, become thick, exfoliate, crumble, a characteristic unpleasant odor appears.
The change in the color and structure of the nails depends on the type of fungus that affected the nails. In an extremely neglected state, the nails become very thick, deform, taking the form of claws, then the nail plate is destroyed. The skin is flaky, dead layers are constantly exfoliating.
Medications for foot fungus
Many patients ask themselves: if a toenail fungus is detected, how to treat it at home, is it possible to do without removing the nail plates?Having found the first signs of a fungus, you need to see a doctor to prescribe the right treatment.

Depending on the stage of the disease, topical preparations are prescribed: ointments, varnishes, solutions or tablets of complex action. However, the most important thing in the treatment of fungus is discipline, since any course of treatment lasts several weeks.
Local application

For the treatment of nail fungus, medicinal varnishes and liquids are produced:
- Lacquer from the group of morpholines.
- Varnish belonging to the group of oxypyridones.
- Varnish, the active substances of which are formic aldehyde and a mixture of enzyme proteins.
- Spray from the group of allylamines.
- A product in the form of a serum based on rye enzyme filtrate is sold complete with disposable nail files. The kit includes a diary and templates for monitoring nail changes.
- Drops belonging to the group of allylamines.
- An agent from the group of imidazoles is available in the form of a kit: a waterproof patch, a dispenser and a scraper are attached to the ointment.
Systemic action
Systemic drugs are taken orally. They affect the entire body, so they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account contraindications. With onychomycosis, all drugs are taken for several months, while the nail plate changes.
- A broad-spectrum drug from the group of triazoles. Released by prescription. With onychomycosis, it is taken within 3 months.
- An antibiotic from the group of grisans is not recommended by doctors in the initial stages of the disease.
Traditional methods of treating fungus on the legs
If you have found a toenail fungus, traditional medicine will tell you how to treat it at home. Folk remedies must be combined with drugs.
The treatment will give a result if, before each use, the legs are steamed for 15-20 minutes in a hot bath with the addition of laundry or tar soap, salt or soda, and then remove the layer of skin and the diseased nail with a nail file.
If, according to the prescription, the product must be applied to the nail with a swab or stick, then a separate swab must be used for each nail.Manicure instruments must be disinfected after each procedure.
Iodine is the most popular folk remedy for fungus. For the treatment of nails, it is necessary to apply a 5% solution of iodine to the affected nails twice a day for a month. Contact with 5% iodine solution on the skin can cause burns.
Therefore, another common method is baths with iodine. It is enough to drop a few drops of iodine into a bowl of hot water to color the water and hold your feet for 20 minutes. After the bath, dry your feet and apply antibacterial ointment.
Important: for people with thyroid problems, iodine treatment is contraindicated!
Vinegar is widely available at home and is very effective in treating toenail fungus, as scientific studies have shown that the fungus is afraid of acidic environments and quickly dies. In order not to have to treat burns, apple cider vinegar should be used, although it is less preferred than vinegar essence at a concentration of 9%.Treatment options:
- Apply vinegar to your nails, put on cotton socks and go to bed.
- Pour 250 ml of vinegar into a bowl of hot water, hold for 10 minutes before going to bed, then apply the prescribed cream.
Ammonia has a disinfectant effect. Compresses are used for treatment. 1 tablespoon of ammonia is diluted in a glass of warm water.
The resulting solution is moistened with cotton cloth, wrapped around the feet with it, plastic bags and socks are put on top. With this compress go to bed.
Those who are uncomfortable sleeping in socks on top of the bags can be recommended to rub a mixture of ammonia with glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio into the affected areas. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails and skin twice a day, morning and evening.
Hydrogen peroxide
Experts recommend using hydrogen peroxide in the initial stages of the disease, when the fungus has not yet deeply affected the nails.
- A cotton swab is moistened with a 3% peroxide solution, applied to the affected nail and kept for at least half an hour. After that, the compress is removed, the softened areas of the skin are cut off with scissors, the nail is removed with a nail file and an antifungal agent is applied.
- A very effective remedy is a paste of soda (2 tablespoons), table salt (1 tablespoon) and hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon), all mixed with 4 tablespoons of warm water. The mixture is applied to the nails, covered with a bandage. Apply twice a day for 40 minutes for a month.
In addition to useful properties, bee glue has a pleasant aroma. People who are allergic to honey and other bee products should not use this product. For the treatment of onychomycosis, both propolis itself and its 20% tincture are used.
Propolis in its pure form is applied for half an hour to the affected nails several times a day.
Propolis tincture can be bought at a pharmacy or made independently.
To make at home, 20 g of propolis is poured into 80 ml of alcohol and infused for 2 weeks.
The resulting tincture lubricates the skin around the affected nails, and a compress is applied to the nails themselves.
If the fungus is running, then the concentration can be increased by pouring propolis with alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio.But in this case, compresses should be done only on the nails, the skin must be protected with a cream in order to avoid burns before the procedure. Also, propolis tincture can be added to baths in which the legs are steamed before using medicines.
Birch tar is obtained by boiling birch bark in special boilers. To treat nail fungus at home, tar can be purchased at a pharmacy. It has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, dries the skin better than the remedies listed above.
Tar is applied to the skin and nails for two hours. The skin may be damaged, with cracks and abrasions, this is not dangerous. After two hours, the remnants are removed with a cotton swab, a moisturizer is applied, after which socks are put on. The disadvantages of the product include a dark color and a strong unpleasant odor, which makes it difficult to use the product before going outside.
Tar has a drying effect, so people prone to dry skin should use it with great care.In addition to pure tar, the use of tar soap gives good results.
For compresses, soap is rubbed on a grater, mixed with water, you can also add baking soda. The resulting paste is applied to the nails, the fingers are wrapped with a film, socks are put on top. After a few hours, the compress can be removed, the remnants can be washed off with warm water.
Since the fungus is afraid of acid, lemon is a logical solution in the treatment of fungus.
- A compress of lemon slices is the simplest way to treat a fungus in the initial stage. Thinly sliced fruit is applied to the nails, covered with a film, put on socks and left overnight.
- Small lemons can be put on the finger like caps, fixed with a bandage and left overnight.
- Freshly squeezed lemon juice can be applied to the nails in the morning and evening. It is important to remember that lemon juice is highly acidic, so people with sensitive skin may experience irritation. You can also mix lemon juice with olive oil and rub this mixture on your nails.
Raw chicken eggs are also used in the treatment of fungus. A common folk recipe is an egg dissolved in vinegar. To do this, the washed egg is poured with vinegar essence so that it completely covers it.
The container is closed and placed in a cool place for several days, but not in the refrigerator, until the shell is completely dissolved. This usually takes about a week. Egg films are removed from the solution, the liquid itself is mixed with fat, for example, butter.
The resulting ointment is applied to diseased nails, wrapped with a film. A mixture of chicken protein, vinegar essence and vodka also helps well.Egg products should be stored in the refrigerator.
It is necessary to use garlic in the treatment of fungus very carefully, since garlic juice can cause burns.

On diseased areas, you can apply gruel and garlic juice in its pure form, as well as in the form of an alcohol tincture and diluted with vegetable oil. For the manufacture of tincture of garlic for 50 ml. vodka will need 4 cloves.
As a systemic remedy in the treatment of toenail fungus, alcohol tincture of celandine is used. At home, an alcohol tincture is prepared at the rate of one part of celandine herb per 10 parts of vodka.
It is important to remember that celandine is very poisonous, so it should be treated with more caution than other medicinal herbs.
20 drops of alcohol tincture are taken orally half an hour before meals. Persons with bronchial asthma should not take celandine inside. Effective is the external use of celandine. Nails affected by onychomycosis can be lubricated with fresh celandine juice. At the same time, juice should not be allowed to get on healthy skin, otherwise you can get a severe burn.

To protect against burns, you can lubricate the skin around the nails with a cream. A more gentle remedy is celandine oil, but it should not be applied to damaged skin either. Celandine oil can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.
To do this, the collected stems, leaves and flowers of the plant are dried, placed in a glass container and poured with the same volume of warm vegetable oil. After keeping the container for a week in a dark, cool place, the oil is filtered and diluted with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1.
An effective remedy is a compress of fresh rowan leaves. The leaves are washed, crushed, the resulting slurry is applied to the affected nails and covered with a bandage.

The result of such treatment will be noticeable not earlier than in a month.
Tea tree oil
Essential oils are widely used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Tea tree oil is considered the most effective against nail fungus. You can simply rub it into the nail plates or add 15-20 drops to the baths in which the legs are steamed. The best result is the use of tea tree oil in the initial stages of the disease.
Tea mushroom
Kombucha is a symbiosis of acetic acid bacteria and yeasts. It was brought from Japan, so the people also call it the Japanese mushroom or jellyfish mushroom. Kombucha is grown in weak sweet tea.
If you leave the mushroom in a container for several weeks, it will grow, and the liquid will become carbonated and acquire a sour taste.Bacteria secrete acid and even ethyl alcohol. Therefore, kombucha is effective for treating fungus at home.
A small piece is separated from the top layer, put on the nail, covered with plastic wrap and go to bed. In the morning, the compress is removed, the softened parts of the nail and skin are cleaned off. Compresses are repeated until a healthy nail grows. You can also apply kombucha, ground into gruel, on your nails.
Golden mustache tincture
Golden mustache has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Golden mustache tincture is easy to prepare at home.
To do this, 50 segments of the plant are poured with 2 glasses of vodka and infused for 10 days. Apply in the form of compresses.
The popular name of this houseplant is a home healer or a flower of life. Its anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties are widely known. For the treatment of nail fungus, the skin is removed from a fresh Kalanchoe leaf, applied to the nail, strengthened with adhesive tape and left overnight.
In the morning, the compress is removed, the softened area of the nail is removed with a nail file. The procedure is repeated until the nail plate is completely renewed. If a burning sensation is felt, then the compress must be removed to avoid an allergic reaction.
Alcohol tincture of lilac flowers, preferably white, is prepared in the proportion of half a glass of flowers per glass of vodka. After 2 weeks, the tincture is ready. Rub into the nails daily until a healthy nail grows.
mint salt
One of the main symptoms of fungus is itching. The cooling effect of mint will ease the condition. A compress of chopped fresh mint leaves mixed with coarse salt helps well.

Also useful are baths of brewed mint leaves, dried, with salt dissolved in the infusion. For 2 liters of infusion, you need 4 tablespoons of salt. Such baths should be done 2 times a day.
poplar buds
Helps from the fungus tincture of poplar buds on vodka. To do this, a glass of poplar buds is poured with two glasses of vodka and infused in a dark place for 10 days. A compress from the tincture is applied at night. In the morning, the softened part of the nail is cut off.
Baking soda, being an alkali, does not kill the fungus, but it perfectly softens the nail plates and the skin of the feet, which allows the means applied then to penetrate as deeply as possible. To do this, before applying the remedies prescribed by the doctor or traditional medicine, it is necessary to make a bath from a hot soapy-soda solution.
After that, the softened layers of the nail or skin can be removed and the medicine applied to the areas. The use of soda alone does not give an effective effect.
Whiteness is a bleach known to housewives. The main component is chlorine. The tool is very caustic, it must be used with great care.
The room in which the procedure is performed must be well ventilated. In no case should this remedy be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Also, do not use the remedy for asthmatics, allergy sufferers, as well as for all those whose skin around the nails is inflamed or has any damage.
The agent is applied with a cotton swab to the nail plate. The product is applied only to the nails, the contact of Whiteness with the skin can cause severe chemical burns.
To protect the skin around the nails, you need to apply a greasy cream. The product is washed off after a few hours. Whiteness is used only in the most neglected cases, when other means no longer help.
garden horseradish
Horseradish root has disinfectant properties. For the treatment of fungus, freshly grated horseradish roots are applied to the affected skin and nails previously steamed in hot water, wrapped in foil and put on socks. Keep the compress for at least two hours.
Most of the folk remedies mentioned are used in the format of alcohol solutions. Ethyl alcohol has a disinfecting effect.
In addition to the cosmetic effect, coffee also has a healing effect and is also used in the treatment of onychomycosis. It is necessary to brew very strong coffee and let it brew for about half an hour.
Then make a bath of coffee diluted with hot water. After the skin is steamed, the affected areas of nails and skin must be removed with a nail file, and then apply the remaining coffee grounds. Coffee baths strengthen nails and improve skin condition.
Official and traditional medicine offers many remedies for the treatment of fungus. To be successful, it is necessary to start acting at the first symptoms of the disease, especially if the skin and toenails are affected.
The sooner you start treatment, the better the result of treatment at home will be. Treatment of nail fungus requires patience and discipline, since all the remedies described must be applied for several weeks, or even months, until the nail plate changes.