Usually, when you see changes on your fingernails or toenails, your first instinct is to run to the pharmacy for antifungal ointment. However, the reasons for such changes can be completely different; moreover, non-fungal diseases of the fingernails or toenails sometimes act only as a symptom of other destructive processes in the body.
Causes of unhealthy nails
Normally, the nail should be smooth, non-compacted and pink in color. If it changes color, shape, becomes brittle and fragile, the nail plate partially or completely moves away from the phalanx of the finger, this may indicate the presence of the following problems:
- improper care of fingernails and toenails;
- failure to comply with hygiene rules;
- the presence of infectious or parasitic diseases in the body;
- injuries;
- regular destructive effects of harmful substances;
- a congenital anomaly that can only manifest itself over time;
- diseases of organ systems - cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine;
- development of a low-quality tumor.
In addition, nails are also subject to age-related changes. As they age, they may turn yellow and become hard or brittle.
Descriptions of diseases
Simultaneous diseases of the fingernails and toenails are quite rare; usually the nails of the upper extremities are affected.
Hippocrates nails
The extreme phalanges of the fingers thicken, the nails become convex and round. Hippocrates was the first to describe this phenomenon affecting the hands, which is why it got its name. It is not an independent disease, but may appear as a symptom when:
- emphysema;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- long-term endogenous intoxication;
- disorders of the cardiovascular system;
- cancer, especially in the lungs.
Sometimes Hippocratic nails can be a hereditary or congenital pathology. In cancer, it develops rapidly over months or weeks; in other cases, the process of change can last for years.

Hypertrophic changes occur in both the arms and legs. Nails harden, become transparent, taking on a yellowish-gray tint, and over time may separate from the nail bed. This is considered a manifestation of endocrine diseases, although the main causes of scleronychia are still not known.

Another name is "bird's claw". It can develop as a result of frostbite or severe bruising.
The nail becomes dense and uneven, taking on an unnatural color from gray-yellow and brown to almost black. In addition, its free edge is bent, like a bird's, or twisted into a spiral.
Treatment consists of softening the surface of the nail with a salicylic patch or ointment; in advanced cases, it can be scraped off or surgically removed.

Overgrowth of the subungual cornea, which is accompanied by darkening of the nail and inflammation of the nail fold. It affects 1-2 fingers; in rare advanced cases, it can be observed on all fingers and toes. Usually manifests itself as a consequence of insufficient nutrition of the nail in diseases such as:
- diabetes;
- varicose veins;
- atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the lower extremities;
- elephant disease.
It can also be caused by injury or poor-quality manicure; sometimes onychauxis warns of a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. For correction, medications that thin and activate blood circulation are prescribed; in case of vitamin deficiency, the menu is enriched with essential nutrients and multivitamins.

Sometimes accompanies fungal or bacterial diseases of the fingernails and toenails, often resulting from mechanical damage or regular nail biting (onychophagia). The nail bed becomes inflamed, the nail matrix itself darkens and after a short time comes off the finger completely. This happens both from the free edge and from the internal one, depending on the cause of the disease.
Treatment is aimed at improving blood circulation in the sore finger through massage, vitamins and medications. If onychomadesis is of infectious origin, the disease that caused it is treated accordingly. In addition, they try to protect the exposed nail bed from fungi and bacteria, otherwise the affected nail will never grow back.
Transverse furrows of Beau (lines of Beau-Reil)

They appear due to inhibition of the growth zone of the nail due to metabolic disorders, injury or unsuccessful manicure, and quite often appear in children as a reaction to a viral infection. Depending on the course of the disease, there may be one or several, which makes the nail look wavy (see photo above).
Bo's line looks like an arc extending across the entire surface of the nail from one side roller to the other. Its depth can reach 1 mm and directly depends on the severity of the disease. In difficult cases, the groove can tighten the nail so much that its free edge ceases to receive enough nutrition, gradually atrophies and comes off the finger.
After eliminating the factor that provoked the appearance of Bo's line, the defects on the nails go away on their own over time.
Longitudinal furrows

They are also called vertical. Possible reasons for their appearance:
- age-related changes;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- psoriasis;
- spinal cord damage;
- gout;
- defects in the functioning of the intestines or pancreas;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- lichen planus;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- damage to the root of the nail plate;
- lack of iron and vitamin B12.
After eliminating the cause, the nails themselves return to their original appearance. During treatment or with age-related changes, to improve the appearance, longitudinal furrows can be hidden under a layer of special varnish.

White spots appear on the nails. Their shape, quantity and location vary with different dysfunctions of the body. The appearance of spots on the nails indicates the presence of the following problems:
- protein deficiency;
- deficiency of vitamins (especially C, E, A) and microelements (calcium, zinc, iron);
- fungus;
- disorders of metabolic processes in the body;
- heavy load on the nervous system: stress, depression, anxiety;
- bowel problems;
- frequent contact with household chemicals, low-quality varnishes;
- disorders of the cardiovascular system;
- kidney disease;
- skin diseases.
If there is no suspicion of disease, then this defect can be corrected independently. It will be enough to establish a rest and work schedule, supplement the diet with foods with essential nutrients, and wear gloves when coming into contact with household chemicals.

Changes occur in the periungual fold, nail plate and bed. The nail becomes less transparent, its thickness changes, and growth slows down. It is also possible that longitudinal furrows may appear and the color may change to greyish-yellow. The causes of this fingernail disease may be:
- mycoses;
- injuries;
- skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus);
- avitaminosis;
- chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
- problems with the heart and lungs;
- interaction with alkalis, acids, chemicals with unprotected hands.

Refers to onychodystrophy. With onycholysis, a change in the color of the nail plate from yellow to brown is observed. The nail becomes brittle and moves away partially or completely from its bed. Possible reasons:
- fungal and bacterial infections;
- skin diseases;
- taking antibiotics;
- dysbacteriosis;
- injuries;
- contact with allergens;
- some chronic diseases.
Ingrown nail

This type of toenail disease occurs because the main causes are too tight shoes and improper trimming. The nail grows into the side cushion, which causes swelling of the finger, pain when walking, and inflammation of the soft tissues.
In mild cases, you can get by with foot baths and softening compresses; in advanced cases, only a surgeon can correct an ingrown toenail.

Brittleness and fragility of nails, which leads to their separation. Usually accompanies diseases and conditions that cause impaired microcirculation in the fingers. A harsh diet and frequent contact with an alkaline environment may also be the cause. Onychorrhexis is extremely rare on the legs.

Lack of nail plate. It can be either congenital or acquired after injury, diseases of the nervous system of an organic nature, or some dermatoses.

The nail becomes thinner and becomes concave like a spoon. Possible reasons:
- heredity;
- anemia;
- constant destructive effect of acetone or household chemicals;
- some infections;
- incorrectly done manicure.

Pathologically small, shortened nails. It may be congenital or develop as a result of nail biting. Micronychia also sometimes manifests itself as a symptom in diseases such as:
- progressive scleroderma;
- Trenaunay's syndrome;
- flat angioma;
- Genuine epilepsy;
- malnutrition of the hand.

Transverse separation of the nail plate. It often occurs due to the aggressive influence of substances in household chemicals and decorative nail products. It often occurs in representatives of professions with increased mechanical stress on the fingers: musicians, printers. Onychoschisis also appears with vitamin deficiency.

Fungal nail diseases can most often be found on the feet and there are quite a lot of their varieties, so for more effective treatment it is better to consult a dermatologist.
You can get the fungus anywhere, but it requires a warm, moist, dark environment to thrive, which is why it mainly affects the feet. The disease takes a long time to develop, the first symptoms may appear only after several months.
First, itching is felt in the infected area, the skin begins to dry and peel. Next, the nail itself is affected, its color changes, cracks appear on the surface and a putrid odor appears. If left untreated, over time the mycosis will spread throughout the body and cause various kinds of complications.

The nail plates become soft, break and split. It occurs due to diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders in the body, and regular exposure to aggressive chemicals.

The surface of the nail is completely flat (see photo). It can be congenital or acquired as a result of professional activity. Also, some chronic inflammatory processes can provoke this defect.
The following list of simple rules will help you prevent many possible diseases of the toenails and fingernails.
- You can't bite your nails.
- File your nails with a glass or cardboard file.
- Manicure should be done on steamed hands, this reduces the risk of microtrauma and, as a result, infection of the wound.
- If you use the services of a salon to care for your nails, make sure that the technician disinfects the tools before use.
- Dry your hands and feet.
- Your diet should include enough foods containing vitamins and minerals.
And most importantly, do not be lazy to contact doctors and undergo additional examinations by specialists. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of defeating it.